Alien Abductions.

Multiple Abductions.

A Northern Rivers lady told me of multiple abductions throughout her life. Beginning at the age of 13. Her daughter, now 13, has just begun to experience similar things.
The lady said that ô it looks as though they want to study the family medical history ô.She said that she has been constantly experiencing a lot of alien associated experiences over the last 18 months.

She mainly only remembers the very beginning and the ending of the experiences, rarely anything in between. The latest incident, she remembers having an injection between the second and third last rib on the right side. It felt as if there was an object the size and shape of a bullet between the ribs. The next morning, the object had moved to the outside of the rib, just under the skin. Three months later she remembers ô passing ô the object, she did not look to check, but knew what had happened. The same thing happened a week ago. She knew what had happened and found a puncture mark.

She knows when an experience is about to occur, she hears their heavy foot steps on the front verandah. They are very tall thin men, up to five of them, and silvery metallic looking with very thin long fingers, twice the length of ours. They come into her bedroom and place their finger on the back of her neck to stun or paralyse her. When they are leaving, she can hear them talking amongst themselves on the verandah. It is if they are saying ô well we are finished here now, you go over there, and I will meet you somewhere else laterö.

Recently, she has been given a type of x-ray that gives out a pink coloured light.
She even went to her local doctor to check a mark on her head where a sample had been removed by some type of injection. She has never felt any pain during the examinations.

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Copyright © Barry Taylor 1996